Oxandrolone (Anavar) is one of the most frequently used oral androgenic-anabolic steroids around. This dihydrotestosterone derivative offers users both skeletal muscle mass and strength gains, but with little or no side effects.
It is because of these reasons that many bodybuilders, male and female, now buy Anavar online from reliable sources like UPsteroid.
In this review on taking Anavar with other steroids, we highlight how Oxandrolone works, recommended Anavar cycle, dosage plan, and stacks. We also give you an insight into the expected results from running an Anavar cycle.
How does Anavar work?
When you commence an Anavar cycle, the effects of the drug can be felt in just about 14 days. Essentially, Anavar use results in a number of anabolic changes in your body.
For starters, your Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) levels increase. This is accompanied by a rise in the rate by which your skeletal muscles retain nitrogen.
Increased nitrogen retention then stimulates greater protein (C1INH and C4) production in your skeletal muscles which then leads to muscular growth.
As a matter of fact, it is widely acknowledged that Anavar contributes to significant protein synthesis (reported by several sources to be about 44%) in active bodybuilders engaged in high-interval intensity training (HIIT).
It is worth mentioning that Anavar has a 10 to 1 anabolic to androgenic ratio which is notably higher in comparison to testosterone.
Anavar is known to raise the metabolic rate of users leading to thermogenesis,and lipolysis (fat burning).
Anavar will not encourage water retention, thereby users can expect dry, lean, hard, and in many cases vascular skeletal muscles.
Due to the fact that Anavar promotes muscle growth, it can also help bodybuilders to recover fast from muscle-related injuries suffered during training.
In addition to this, Anavar promotes performance-enhancing gains by building up your strength, and endurance levels. This is mainly as a result of increased red blood cell production which is promoted by your Anavar use.
Increased red blood cell production leads to a greater supply of oxygenated blood in your muscle tissues which then limits the build up of lactic acid, and significantly slows down the rate at which you experience muscle fatigue during your training sessions.
Cycle of Anavar steroid
A typical recommended Oxandrolone cycle and Anavar dosage plan can be followed by any healthy person (male or female) with Anavar as a standalone steroid or as part of a stack.
If you are a male bodybuilder wishing to use Anavar for the first time, it is always better to start off with a low to moderate Anavar dosage. This allows you to build tolerance for the steroid before you increase your dosage plan.
Anavar is gentle to female bodybuilders, and masculinization side effects are often rare if a low dosage plan is followed over a short cycle.
However, whether you are a male or female bodybuilder, you should be aware that Anavar has some level of hepatotoxicity. It is therefore important to run your Anavar cycle along with liver protection drugs like Samarin or LIV-52.
Below is an IFBB PRO recommended Anavar cycle and dosage plan for both male and female bodybuilders.
- Cycle: 6 to 8 weeks
- Dosage: 40mg to 60mg per day or in accordance with a physician and/or bodybuilding trainer recommended dosage.
- Cycle: 5 weeks
- Dosage: 5mg to 10mg per day for the first week followed by 10mg to 20mg per day for four weeks or in accordance with the recommended dosage prescribed by your physician and/or trainer.
Stacking Anavar with other steroids
As mentioned already, Anavar can be stacked with other steroids for optimal fat burning, muscle building, and performance-enhancing gains.
One Anavar stack for strength and muscle building gains involves the inclusion of Testosterone Propionate or “Test P”.
Test P offers users a short timeframe for experiencing positive bodybuilding effects. This is usually between 24 to 48 hours of use and bodybuilders will experience both muscle mass building and strength gains without the estrogen-related side effect of water retention.
So your muscles will be dry, hard, lean, and vascular if you train hard along with your Anavar stack including Test P.
A typical Anavar and Test P 6 week stack involves:
- Anavar: 60mg per day
- Test P: 300mg per week
You should also take 1 tablet of Arimidex (anti-estrogen) every other day (2 days apart) and for your post-cycle therapy (PCT) protocol, you should take Clomid and Nolvadex.

An example of a strength pack (Oral 6 weeks) – Anavar / Test-P – Euro pharmacies
Don’t forget to use liver protection while running your respective Anavar dosage. Use 4 Samarin daily to prevent liver-related health issues.
You can check out our Anavar and Test P stack from Prime Pharma here.
When it comes to cutting, nothing beats an Anavar and Winstrol stack. Winstrol is widely acknowledged as one of the most effective cutting anabolic-androgenic steroids around.
You can run a 6 week Winstrol and Anavar stack. You should take 40mg (four 10mg) Anavar tablets daily for a period of 4 weeks with 40mg (four 10mg) Winstrol daily for a duration of 6 weeks. Use four Samarin tablets daily also for 6 weeks to protect you from liver health problems.
You can also check out our Anavar and Winstrol 6 week dry mass gain pack from Prime Pharma here.
Before and after using Anavar
While it is not unusual for bodybuilders to expect the same results as others when running an Anavar cycle, there are several factors that may either aid or negate your expected results.
Some of these factors include your genetic makeup, age, gender, body weight, diet, training routine, and so on.
However, it has been generally observed that bodybuilders running a bulking cycle involving an Anavar dosage added up to 15 Ib of skeletal muscle mass with a 5 to 6 week cycle.
In contrast, those bodybuilders running an Anavar cycle for cutting experienced a 7 to 9 Ib drop in weight within a 4 week cycle.
Final Thoughts
Over the years, Anavar has proven to be a reliable androgenic-anabolic steroid for both cutting and bulking bodybuilding goals.
Anavar can be taken alone or stacked with other steroids for optimal bodybuilding gains. Test P can be stacked with Anavar for skeletal muscle mass and strength gains while Anavar can be stacked with Winstrol for fat burning gains.
Anavar works by stimulating IGF-1, nitrogen retention, and protein synthesis to boost muscle growth.
In addition to this, Anavar can increase your metabolism and consequently encourage lipolysis leading to the burning of both visceral and body fat.
It must be noted that Anavar on its own will not provide you with performance-enhancing and bodybuilding gains, you also need to put in the work by training regularly, and eating clean.
You can buy Anavar online today from UPsteroid here and if you need to chat with an IFBB PRO to learn more about Anavar cycle, dosage, and stack, you can get advice right here.
Mistä Anavaria voi turvallisesti tilata ja mikä on hinta?
Hei herra,
On oikein hyvä haluta löytää parhaat paikat Anavarin turvalliseen ostamiseen.
Sivustollamme on luettelo luotettavista sivustoista: [https://anavar-steroids.com/where-to-buy-anavar/]
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