There are many things that can frustrate the average person, and heartburn is definitely one. Most people associate heartburn with diet and nutrition – and rightly so, as rushing your food, overeating and consuming peppery or spicy meals have all been touted as reasons for heartburn.

However, while nutrition and diet are surefire causes of heartburn, they’re not the only causative factors. Some bodybuilders and steroid users have claimed that heartburn is one of many side effects of Anavar for mass building. But it is not unusual to find two bodybuilders running on the same androgenic-anabolic steroid (AAS) cycle experiencing completely different side effects (if at all).

So while some bodybuilders may claim that Anavar for bodybuilding gives them heartburn, others may have a totally different perspective to the use of the AAS.

In this post, we will give a brief description of Anavar, explain what heartburn is in more detail while providing an answer to the question of whether Anavar gives heartburn and acid reflux.

We will then roundup by providing tips on how to avoid or minimize the effects of heartburn.


Oxandrolone (Anavar) Explained

Like most androgenic-anabolic steroids, Oxandrolone (Anavar) was created in a lab and synthesized after the human body’s endogenous testosterone hormone. Anavar is an oral steroid that was first produced back in the early 1960s for the purpose of helping patients of surgical procedures to quickly recuperate from their respective surgical operations.

Anavar has the ability to boost nitrogen retention, proteon production, and protein synthesis in the body which ultimately promotes the repair of damaged bone and muscle tissue.

The success of Anavar in medical science was transfered to bodybuilding, as bodybuilders soon realized that Anavar could aid rapid recovery from muscle-related injuries during high-interval intensity (HIIT) programs thereby promoting muscle building gains even in an off-season.



What Exactly is Heartburn and Acid Reflux?

For many people heartburn and acid reflux are one and the same thing, but in actual fact the latter is the leading cause of the former as explained by the NHS.

Heartburn is described by NHS as a burning sensation around the chest region caused primarily by the upward movement of stomach acid to the throat. This upward movement of stomach acid to the oesophagus is known as an acid reflux.

In a situation where acid reflux is repetitive, a person may be suffering from what is known as gastro-oesophageal reflux disease or GORD.

One known side effect of acid reflux is a foul smelling odor that comes out of the mouth when you belch, but there are other common symptoms associated with acid reflux including:

  • bloating
  • nausea
  • cough
  • hiccups
  • hoarseness of the voice
  • bad breath

It must be said that there are many factors behind heartburn and acid reflux, but here are a few generally known causes:

  • smoking
  • alcohol
  • consuming meals with high acidity including tomatoes, spicy and fatty foods
  • eating chocolate
  • drinking coffee
  • overweight and obesity
  • mental health issues including depression, anxiety and stress
  • pregnancy
  • spikes in estrogen and progesterone hormone levels
  • anti-inflammatory medications and painkillers


Will Anavar Use Cause Heartburn?

The straightforward answer to this question is Yes…and No!. Why?! Well, it really all depends on the individual running an Anavar cycle. Anavar reacts differently in people, and therefore giving an assertive answer to this question is not really realistic.

For starters, our gut fauna and flora as well as microbiomes are all different and as such our gut will digest Anavar differently which could then result in symptoms of acid reflux and heartburn or not.

However, for those who have experienced heartburn after using Anavar for mass building, your heartburn symptoms could be due to the following causes:

  • the heavy metals in Anavar can cause abdominal discomfort leading to acid reflux
  • Anavar like other oral steroids can place significant stress to the abdomen due to the fact that the stomach has to digest the compound
  • the first-pass effect could see Anavar causing the liver a bit of harm leading to abdominal concerns including acid reflux

It must be said that these issues can be prevented, but more on that a bit later as it is important for you to know that Anavar is not the only orally administered steroid that could cause acid reflux and heartburn. More on this below.



Can other Oral Steroids Cause Heartburn?

The quick-fire answer to this question is YES! Orally administered anabolic steroids place some level of strain on both the abdominal region and liver which leads to indigestion, gastric issues and of course acid reflux.

In addition to this, AAS can reduce your lipids while raising your estrogen and blood pressure levels which can all contribute to acid reflux and heartburn issues.

Apart from Anavar, some other oral steroids known to cause acid reflux and heartburn in users include:

  • Stanazolol (Winstrol)
  • Metandienone (Dianabol)
  • Mesterolone (Proviron)
  • Oxymetholone (Anadrol)


How do you Avoid Heartburn and Acid Reflux Caused by Anavar?

Not every steroid may agree with your body, that’s just the truth of life. If you use Anavar and you are experiencing repetitive heartburn and acid reflux, you may want to just quit using the steroid. So the first step to avoiding heartburn and acid reflux due to Anavar use is to stop running an Anavar cycle.

However, if you don’t think your Anavar use is the most significant cause of your heartburn and acid reflux issues, then you could try doing a few things to help your body adjust to the changes you are experiencing from using Anavar for mass building.

Here’s what you could do while running an Anavar standalone cycle or stack.

  • use Anavar during mealtime
  • use Anavar along with Omega 3 Fatty Acids and other healthy fats
  • you could divide your Anavar daily dosage to 10 mg taken twice daily rather than using one dose of 20 mg
  • the sublingual (under your tongue) use of Anavar is believed to aid in the proper digestion of the steroid
  • the timing of your Anavar use can also help to reduce incidents of heartburn and acid reflux. Some bodybuilders claim that using Anavar before bed time could help avoid acid reflux and heartburn. However, what works for one person may not necessarily work for you, so always thread with caution with your Anavar use



Final Thoughts

So there you have it, Anavar can cause heartburn and acid reflux, but not in everyone. Also, other oral steroids could cause this problem as well, so it’s not really because of Anavar, but rather because of how your stomach breaks down the compound.

This is in addition to the first-pass effect of the liver which could lead to acid reflux and heartburn.

Remember to always consider taking Anavar with meals and avoid consuming spicy meals while taking Anavar. Smoking and excessive drinking of alcohol is dangerous to your health, avoid these habits if you want to use any steroid including Anavar.

Other orally administeres androgenic-anabolic steroids like Stanazolol (Winstrol), Metandienone (Dianabol), Mesterolone (Proviron) and Oxymetholone (Anadrol) are also known to cause acid reflux and heartburn, so make sure to seek advise form your physician and/or experienced trainer before running any cycle.

If you are ready to start running an Anavar cycle with Anavar for sale USA, you can first consult with an IFBB PRO before you buy Anavar from top pharmaceutical companies here today.