While there are many anabolic steroids out there, very few are as high in demand as Anavar. As a matter of fact, Anavar for women is common in the world of bodybuilding and the reasons for this are not farfetched. For starters, Anavar is available in oral form which is a relief to women bodybuilders that dread the thought of using injectable steroids.
Secondly, female users of Anavar can avoid masculinization side effects like male pattern baldness, a deep voice, chiselled chin, and breast atrophy if safe, recommended cycles, stacks and dosages are maintained. Indeed, without letting the cat out of the bag, Anavar lives up to it’s moniker as ‘the girl steroid’ because of its potent fat butning and muscle building properties, but mild side effects.
In this post, we provide you with facts to answer the question relating to whether taking an Anavar pill is safe or not. But first, we start with an overview of what Anavar is all about.
What Is an Anavar Pill?
The first Anavar pill was created back on 1962 for medical purposes. Anavar (Oxandrolone) was oiginally used in the treatment of persons suffering from catabolic conditions characterized by muscle wasting. Anavar was prescribed to counter this condition by promoting the building of lean muscle mass.
By 1964, G.D Searle & Co. would introduce this FDA approved anabolic steroid to the American public. Anavar would be prescribed to men, women and children because of its mild side effects. And in addition to treating catabolic conditions, Anavar would be used in the treatment of osteoporosis, post-surgery infections, and burns.
Since the 1960s to date, Anavar has been used for cutting cycles by athletes and bodybuilders. “Var”, as this steroid is often called is a proven performance enhancing drug with great potential for muscle building.
What does Anavar do?
Oxandrolone is a light dihydrotestosterone derived anabolic steroid that is capable of helping users build lean muscle mass, burn body fat and achieve strength gains all at once. Anavar acts as a mild exogenous testosterone to boost red blood cell production, protein synthesis and increase lipolysis to promote endurance, muscle building and fat burning respectively.
How to Use Anavar steroid?
As mentioned already, Anavar for women is available in tablet form. This is great news for anyone wary of using injectable androgenic-anabolic steroids (AAS). Typically, Anavar is used in a cycle or stacked with other AAS (more on this a bit later). However, you are advised to seek the counsel of a qualified medical practitioner and/or personal bodybuilding trainer before you run an Anavar cycle or stack.
While Anavar offers mild side effects, it is important to have a thorough medical checkup before using Oxandrolone or any anabolic steroid for that matter. Your physician should give you the green-light before you decide to use Anavar, as you could be suffering from an underlying medical condition that could make using Anavar a dangerous proposition.
It is also important to have a post-cycle therapy (PCT) plan on ground before you even start up a cycle or stack. PCT will help to restore the proper functioning and balance of your endogenous hormones like testosterone after you have concluded an Anavar cycle.
Again Anavar is an ideal AAS when you intend running a cutting program, as this steroid helps to prevent catabolism while promoting lean muscle mass and fat burning benefits.
What are the Benefits of Running an Anavar Dosage for Athletes?
Anavar offers men and women a lot of bodybuilding benefits. Here is a quick rundown of what you can expect from an Anavar cycle.
Lean Muscle Mass
Anavar will counter any catabolic influences to promote lean muscle mass gains. Anavar promotes protein synthesis which is widely credited with skeletal muscle growth. Women have claimed to gain as much as 12Ib (5.4 kg) of muscle mass just from their first ever Anavar cycle.
Skeletal Muscle Strength Gains
Apart from boosting protein synthesis, Anavar for women is also known to promote increased exogenous testosterone and intracellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production which leads to enhanced skeletal muscle strength.
Fat Burning
Anavar will increase your thyroid body fat burning hormone – triiodothyronine (T3) and boosts your rate of metabolism to promote the burning of both subcutaneous and visceral fat. The increased exogenous testosterone levels provided by Anavar will also promote lipolysis, a process that leads to the burning of excess body fat. In addition to this, Anavar the positive effects that Anavar has on insulin sensitivity in the body will further promote the burning of visceral fat.
Increased Endurance Levels
Anavar will boost your red blood cell count (RBC) leading to increased oxygenated blood in your body. This will lead to strength, stamina, and endurance gains. Your skeletal muscles will be less prone to lactic acid build up which is responsible for muscle fatigue, especially during strength or weight training.
Mild Side Effects
This is perhaps the most telling of all the Anavar benefits. Anavar has very low virilization side effects. This makes the AAS a preferred choice for women looking to gain lean muscle mass and burn body fat, but without experiencing nasty virilization side effects, such as; hair loss and baldness, a deep voice, breast atrophy, an enlarged clitoris, and so on.
Anavar Cycle and Dosage
A typical cycle and Anavar dosage for athletes (male and female) is as follows:
- Male:
A safe, recommended daily dosage for men is between 15 to 25mg over a 6 to 8 week cycle - Female:
A safe, recommended daily dosage plan for women is between 5 to 10mg over a 4 to 6 week cycle
Note that there is a risk of increased hepatotoxicity with extended cycles as well as reduced endogenous testosterone production and rising LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Also, women are advised to run an Anavar only cycle as stacking increases the risk of virilization.
You can checkout some of our Anavar products below:
- Anavar 50 – 100 tablets from Prius Lab
For protection:
Take 4 Samarin daily. (Although Samarin is not included in the pack) - Dry Pack – Deus Medical – Anavar / Winstrol (6 weeks)
According to the pack:
Take 3 Anavar 10mg = 30mg daily for 6 weeks
Take 4 Winstrol 10mg = 40mg per day for 6 weeks
Take 4 Samarin daily for 6 weeks. (Although Samarin is not included in the pack)
Note that it is advisable that you seek the opinion of your physician before you administer Anavar dosages based on the pack information.
Dry Pack – Deus Medical – Anavar / Winstrol (6 weeks)
Anavar is clearly an androgenic-anabolic steroid with potent fat burning, lean muscle mass, and strength and endurance building properties. Anavar promotes lipolysis, increased metabolism, and T3 levels to aid fat burning during a cutting cycle. Anavar boosts exogenous testosterone levels, RBC, and protein synthesis to promote strength, endurance, and lean skeletal muscle mass gains respectively.
On top of all this, Anavar offers mild side effects to protect women from the harsh realities of virilization. Coupled with the fact that Oxandrolone is an orally administered steroid with low hepatotoxicity, it is safe to say that Anavar is indeed a SAFE AAS to use.
However, the safety of this steroid rests in your hands. You are advised to seek the expertise of a qualified medical practitioner and/or bodybuilding coach before you run an Anavar cycle or stack. You can chat with an IFBB PRO here today before you decide on running a cycle or stack.
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