The people who are already aware of anabolic steroids know their positives and downsides. Many people are afraid of using potent anabolic steroids due to their potential harsh side effects. They usually leave the thought of performing a steroid cycle. I just want to clarify that not all anabolic steroids are bad. Its results depend on how properly you intake them.
If you perform a correct steroid cycle with precautions, you can eliminate the possible side effects of it. Choosing the right steroid compound is also necessary to achieve your desired goals. If you are afraid of using a potent anabolic steroid, you should try a mild anabolic steroid like Anavar. This is one of the most popular and considered as the safest steroid compound in the market.
Even though it is mild in nature, it also has its downside too. But here in this article, I will explain Anavar uses and how perfectly you can consume them to get maximum outcome results without any severe side effects. So, let’s get started with its basic summary.
Anavar Steroid Summary
Anavar or Oxandrolone is a well-known anabolic androgenic steroid that has been highly favored among bodybuilders and athletes for decades. It is a fast-acting steroid compound with an active half-life of 8 to 10 hours and is derived from dihydrotestosterone. Oral Anavar steroid is mildly liver toxic. However, its hepatotoxic level is relatively mild compared to other anabolic steroids.
It is the perfect choice for beginner and female users because it is a well-tolerated and mild compound. Professional bodybuilders and athletes highly prefer to use Anavar steroid because it is easy to administer, suitable for both men and women, and causes relatively mild side effects.
The primary purpose of using the Anavar steroid cycle is to improve the user’s physique by eliminating excess body fats and retaining muscle mass tissues. This performance-enhancement drug is not listed on labeled drugs; it is banned in many countries for sports use. So, you can buy Anavar from an online or grey market.
This steroid compound has an anabolic rating of around 322, which contributes to weight gain without any water retention. Its androgenic rating is around 630, which makes it a powerful cutting steroid compound that is often used for weight loss and strength gain purposes. Anavar for women can add impressive lean muscles and improve their physique by reducing excess body fats.
How To Take Anavar Steroid?
Anavar steroids are available in oral form, so they are easy to consume. People don’t require any painful needles to administer it. Here are the top resellers where you can find Anavar for sale, which sells Anavar with various brand names.
Anavar pills are taken with food or mild so that it avoids digestive issues. This steroid is possible to take one to four times per day due to its short active half-life once; a daily dose is required to retain its effect.
What Are The Recommended Dose Of Anavar?
Anavar dosage varies based on people’s gender and their individual cutting and bulking steroid cycle goals. Female users experience excellent positive results even at very low doses ( 5 mg to 15 mg daily). A lower dose of Anavar helps female users to avoid virilization effects. Male users require higher doses but make sure not to exceed the limit of high doses (100 mg per day).
It is not a powerful bulking anabolic steroid, so even if you take a very high dose of Anavar, it is not effective. Instead, it will increase the risk of possible adverse side effects. Generally, men and women take Anavar doses based on their experience level. For example, novice male users take 20 mg to 40 mg per day, whereas novice female users can take 5 mg to 10 mg per day.
Intermediate male users can take 40 mg to 60 mg per day, whereas intermediate female users can take 10 mg to 15 mg per day. Most advanced male users can take 80 mg to 100 mg per day, whereas advanced female users can take 15 mg to 20 mg per day. Note that along with Anavar pills, make sure to intake proper diet and workout because both these factors will provide more impressive and quick results.
The stacking method is the other best option to get impressive results from Anavar. It is advisable to use the Anavar stack cycle rather than using a high dose of this anabolic steroid. Anavar stack cycle provides excellent and desired results compared to its solo steroid cycle.
An example of a 6 week Anavar pack for bodybuilding
How To Use Anavar Steroid In Your Cycle?
As I said earlier, the Anavar stack cycle is the most effective way to get maximum outcome results. This steroid compound is usually stacked with Winstrol, Clenbuterol, Testosterone, and Primobolan, depending on your personal goals. Here are the most popular Anavar stack cycle for men:
Anavar Weight loss Stack Cycle For Men:
- Cycle duration: 12 week
- Anavar dose: 50 mg per day for five to twelve weeks
- Testosterone Propionate dose: 100 mg every other day
- Clenbuterol dose: 40 mcg to 140 mcg per day (use this dose on increment method like 1-2 weeks 40 mcg daily, 3-4
- weeks 60 mcg daily… so on)
- Arimidex: 0.5 mg every other day
Anavar Lean Mass Stack Cycle For Men:
- Cycle duration: 12 week
- Anavar dose: 50 mg per day for five to twelve weeks
- Testosterone Cypionate dose: 400 mg weekly
- Testosterone propionate dose: 100 mg every other day
- Clenbuterol dose: 40 mcg to 140 mcg per day (use this dose on increment method like 1-2 weeks 40 mcg daily, 3-4 weeks 60 mcg daily… so on)
- Letrozole: 0.5 mg every other day
Anavar Weight loss Stack Cycle For Men:
- Cycle duration: 12 week
- Anavar dose: 80 mg per day for five to twelve weeks
- Testosterone propionate dose: 200 mg every other day
- Trenbolone Acetate: 100 mg (eod) every other day
- Equipoise dose: 200 mg every other day
- Clenbuterol dose: 40 mcg to 140 mcg per day (use this dose on increment method like 1-2 weeks 40 mcg daily, 3-4
- weeks 60 mcg daily… so on)
- Masteron dose: 100 mg every other day
- Arimidex: 1 mg every other day
Anavar Weight loss Stack Cycle For Women:
- Cycle duration: 12 week
- Anavar dose: 10 mg per day for three to ten weeks
- Clenbuterol dose: 20 mcg to 100 mcg per day (use this dose on increment method like 1-2 weeks 20 mcg daily, 3-4 weeks 40 mcg daily… so on)
Anavar Weight loss Stack Cycle For Women:
- Cycle duration: 12 week
- Anavar dose: 10 mg per day
- Clenbuterol dose: 20 mcg to 100 mcg per day (use this dose on increment method like 1-2 weeks 20 mcg daily, 3-4
- weeks 40 mcg daily… so on)
- Primobolan dose: 100 mg weekly for five to the eighth week
Anavar Lean Mass Stack Cycle For Women:
- Cycle duration: 12 week
- Anavar dose: 10 mg per day
- Winstrol dose: 10 mg per day
- Primobolan depot: 100 mg weekly
Anavar Post-Cycle Therapy
Anavar is a relatively mild anabolic steroid and mildly suppresses testosterone production. Still, post-cycle therapy is an ideal choice to follow after the Anavar cycle. If you perform an Anavar solo cycle with lower doses than 80 mg daily, you aren’t required to perform PCT, but high dose and stack cycles need PCT.
PCT protocol is mandatory to recover the hormonal imbalance function and keep your gains. You can add Clomid and Nolvadex, and for heavy cycles, sometimes HCG is also a good option to perform a PCT. The starting Anavar PCT is for three to four weeks which improves testosterone restoration levels greatly. It can mitigate all the possible symptoms of low testosterone.
A correct steroid cycle with Anavar provides greater and more impressive positive results. Being a mild steroid, it does not cause any severe or harsh side effects; still, it is advisable to consume it with protection.
If you have any questions about Anavar steroids or cycles, ask our coaching experts anytime.
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