It was in the early 1960s when Oxandrolone (Anavar) was first introduced to the world and by 1964, G.D Searles & Co. would make this orally administered androgenic-anabolic steroid (AAS) available to U.S consumers after obtaining approval from the FDA.
For more than 60 years, Oxandrolone has been used in both the medical field and bodybuilding community. Anavar supplement has been prescribed to patients suffering from muscle wasting or catabolic disorders.
Anavar pills will help promote skeletal muscle building in patients suffering from medical conditions, such as; cancer, and HIV/AIDS. In bodybuilding, Oxandrolone is seen as a versatile AAS, one that will not only stimulate muscle mass building gains, but also promote cutting and performance-enhancing benefits.
In this post, we explain how Anavar affects your body, recommended anavar cycles, the effects of Oxandrolone use, and how to optimize bodybuilding gains with Anavar.
How does Anavar affect your body?
Anavar pills will affect your body in three fundamental ways and these include; promoting muscle growth, fat burning, and athletic performance.
Anavar Promotes Skeletal Muscle Growth
Oxandrolone will help to build your skeletal muscle mass by stimulating several physiological changes in your body.
Whenever you take Anavar supplement, you will boost your body’s production of Insulin-growth factor (IGF-1), and human growth hormone (HGH).
This is in addition to increasing your body’s rate of nitrogen retention and the protein synthesis in your skeletal muscle tissues. All these physiological activities will trigger quick skeletal muscle growth.
Anavar is also able to boost your collagen production which helps in increasing your bone density leaving you with a healthier, stronger bone structure.
Oxandrolone Promotes Fat Burning
Oxandrolone affects your body by promoting the shedding of both your subcutaneous and visceral body fat. Anavar does this by stimulating the release of Triiodothyronine or T3 hormones by your thyroid gland which then raises your metabolic rate.
The increase in metabolism will lead to thermogenesis or increased body heat while your body attempts to counter this condition and restore homeostasis by stimulating your sweat glands to boost your level of perspiration.
The constant body heat and cool down reaction of your body will then promote lipolysis and fat burning.
Anavar Pills Boost Athletic Performance
Your use of Anavar supplement will cause your body’s red blood cell (RBC) count to rise. The effect of this to your athletic performance is that your entire body is supplied with oxygenated blood which helps to promote strength, energy, and power gains.
In addition to this, the oxygen-rich blood that flows through your muscle tissues will slow down the build up of lactic acid during your weight training which then ensures that your endurance levels are improved when lifting heavy.
Bodybuilders and Their Anavar Cycles
There are certain rules you should remember before and during your Anavar cycle. The first rule is that Anavar reacts differently in people as our physiological make-up differs. So where a bodybuilder receives quick gains from Anavar supplement, it may take much longer for another bodybuilder to experience Anavar benefits.
Secondly, Anavar has mild side effects, but notwithstanding, your Anavar cycle should be planned to respect the possibility of your exposure to these side effects knowing that if you misuse or abuse your Anavar dosage plan, the severity of the side effects could be exacerbated.
Thirdly, your ability to benefit from the bodybuilding gains of Anavar is dependent on several factors including your current body composition, weight, age, gender, training, and nutrition plans.
Also, Anavar pills can be taken in a standalone cycle, but for greater muscle building gains, it would be better for you to run a stack with other oral muscle mass building and fat shedding AAS like Dianabol and Winstrol respectively.
Finally, your use of Anavar supplement should never be taken before you have a thorough medical checkup to ensure that you have no underlying health condition that could make your use of Anavar dangerous to your overall health and welfare.
You also need to have a post-cycle therapy (PCT) plan in place before you venture into any Anavar cycle or stack and if you have a preexisting concern with your liver health, then adding liver protection supplements like Samarin or LIV-52 to your cycle would suffice.
Anavar can be used by both male and female bodybuilders, but the recommended cycle and dosage plan would differ for both genders with female bodybuilders running a shorter cycle and lower dosage plan.
A typical Anavar supplement cycle for male bodybuilders should run for between 6 to 8 weeks with a daily dosage of between 20 to 100mg. However, female bodybuilders should run a 4 week cycle with a daily dosage of between 5 to 15mg.
An example of an Anavar + Winstrol pack for a 6-week lean mass gain
Anavar Effects And How It Works
If Anavar supplement is misused or abused in any way, you may be subjected to masculinization side effects as a female bodybuilder or feminization side effects as a male bodybuilder.
Female bodybuilders may experience a deepening of their voice, hair loss, an enlarged clitoris, and breast atrophy if Anavar is abused while male bodybuilders may be subjected to male pattern baldness, water retention, bloating, and gynecomastia.
Another effect of your indiscriminate use of Anavar is the increase in your Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol levels. This will make you more susceptible to a myriad of cardiovascular conditions including strokes, heart attacks, and heart failures. Anavar is metabolized by your kidneys, and therefore you may face kidney health issues if you misuse or abuse Anavar pills.
Ultimately, you should always run an Anavar cycle as recommended by your physician or trainer. This way you will avoid exposing yourself to possible harsh side effects that could be detrimental to your bodybuilding efforts and overall health.
How to Maximize Results on Anavar
It is important to know that Anavar on its own will not help you in achieving your bodybuilding goals without you putting the work in.
You need to have a concise weight training and HIIT program along with a nutrition plan to match.
When your strength training, dietary plan, and recovery is on point, your Anavar use will be optimized for your bodybuilding goals.
You should stick with your recommended cycle and dosage plan while ensuring that you steadfastly follow your PCT protocol after the completion of your Anavar cycle.
Anavar supplement is a multidimensional AAS in its ability to promote fat burning, muscle building, and performance-enhancing gains. Some other Anavar benefits include improved bone density, and enhanced endurance levels.
These benefits will help you when you lift heavy during your training sessions. Anavar also aids quick recovery from muscle and bone-related injuries during your in and off season.
Whether you are a female or male bodybuilder, you can run an Anavar cycle, but be mindful that while this AAS has mild side effects, abusing or misusing Anavar may increase your risk of virilization or masculinization side effects.
You should consult with your physician before running any AAS cycle including Anavar in order to avoid complicating underlying or preexisting health concerns.
If you are unsure about what Anavar cycle would work for you, you can also seek the expert counsel of an experienced bodybuilder. You can get in touch with an IFBB PRO here to discuss your proposed cycle, stack, training, diet, and PCT protocol.
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