Nowadays, obesity has become irritating because this is the modern and social media era. So, everyone wants to look perfect with their desired body. Big muscle mass and six-packs are the dream look that everyone is looking for in this modern era. According to the research, two of all Americans are overweight or obese. So, People are searching for different ways to lose their body weight because they started to realize obesity creates various health issues, and no one wants to show a fatty belly and unwanted weight gains.
Nowadays, people use anabolic steroids and other supplements to lose their body weight. Anavar (Oxandrolone) is the best option for you to lose your body weight. However, before using Anavar dosage, you should learn everything about Anavar and its effects on your body. Then, when you intake Anavar properly with recommended doses and with protection, you will face minimal or no side effects.
I. What is Anavar?
Anavar is also known as Oxandrolone or Var. It is an oral anabolic steroid developed by an American pharmaceutical company named G.D Searle & Co in 1962. Anavar promotes lean muscle mass in those suffering from muscle-wasting conditions and can also increase bone mineral density. Anavar is a mild drug with a few side effects, so it is safe for women to use. Anavar for weight loss is widely popular in the bodybuilding and fitness world.
Initially, it was used to treat chronic infections, burns, surgery, and catabolic illnesses. Anavar is also prescribed for treating osteoporosis. According to this study, the Food and Drug Administrator (FDA) has approved Anavar medication for medical use. You find Oxandrolone for sale here.
Bodybuilders and professional athletes use Anavar for cutting cycles because it has excellent fat-burning and muscle-building effects. Anavar cycle helps athletes to improve their athletic performance. Both men and women can use Anavar, but it is more effective for women to use. Lower Anavar dosage can give effective results in women.
An extract from Anavar on Mega-steroids.
II. Anavar Uses And Its Benefits
Anavar (Oxandrolone) is used for various purposes, such as for medical treatment, as mentioned above. It is also used to get relief from bone pain. Anavar promotes lean muscle mass when you are suffering from muscle wasting. Bodybuilders, powerlifters, and professional athletes use Anavar to get various benefits, as mentioned below:
- Increase metabolic rate
- Reduce muscle fatigue
- Increase red blood cell counts
- Reduce or Burn body fats
- Increase nitrogen retention
- Promotes Cardio endurance
- Improve your performance level
- Improve muscle hardness
- Safe for women
- Preserve lean muscle mass
- Improve protein synthesis
III. Anavar Side Effects
All Anabolic steroids carry various side effects. The same goes with Anavar. However, Anavar is a mild steroid, so that it will cause few side effects. Those side effects are due to long-term use or high doses of Anavar. We always recommended our users to follow proper cycle doses with protection. This will help you face fewer or no side effects. Here are the most common side effects that may cause due to long term use:
- Kidney problem
- Suppress testosterone
- Hair loss or baldness
- High LDL cholesterol level
- High blood pressure
- Liver toxic
Note: It is not necessary to face all the above side effects because that depends on the various factors such as your age, gender, Anavar dosage, and cycle duration.
Hair loss or baldness
IV. Anavar (Oxandrolone) Dosage Information
Anavar dosage comes in the range between 10 mg to 100 mg. Both men and women have to use different doses. A lower dose of Anavar can give the best effect in women, but men have to use a high dose compared to women to get effective results. Many experienced male users complained that the Anavar solo cycle wouldn’t give them effective results, so they use Anavar with other anabolic steroids to get effective results.
Anavar doses for men:
They can start with 20 mg to 30mg per day. For experienced male users, they can use 40 mg to 50 mg. The ideal Anavar cycle is between six to eight weeks. You need to avoid high doses to avoid side effects.
Anavar doses for Women:
They can start with low doses of 5 mg to 10 mg per day to get effective results. You can increase them gradually up to 15mg per day. And the standard cycle for women is six to eight weeks. Remember, high doses of Anavar can be risky, and you may face the risk of virilization.
V. Anavar (Oxandrolone) Results
Many users perform Anavar solo cycles, and other users perform stacking methods. They combine Anavar with other anabolic steroids such as Dianabol and Winstrol to get effective results. Anavar is used for both cutting and bulking programs. However, it is widely used for cutting programs. When you intake Anavar properly with protection and the right stack, you will get tremendous results.
Anavar is the most popular oral steroid used for weight loss. Its extraordinary effects have been proven countless times in men and women. If you want a quality lean mass gain, you can combine Anavar with Dianabol, and to get dry mass gain; you can combine Anavar with Winstrol. Anavar half-life is around 6 to 9 hours. You can buy Anavar from the most reputable steroid websites.
The right intake and recommended dosage will give the most effective results as mentioned below:
- Preserve lean muscle mass
- Low androgenic effects
- No estrogenic activity
- Boost your strength
- Add lean muscle mass
- Very effective for fat loss
- Prevents catabolism
- No water retention
Lean muscle mass, Strength, Fat loss
VI. Conclusion
Anavar (Oxandrolone) is very effective for weight loss. Anavar will give you the most effective results when you perform proper training and take an appropriate amount of diet and nutrition. We advise you to use Anavar only if you are older than 21 years old. And it is also necessary to avoid Anavar if you are suffering from any pre-medical conditions.
Anavar is mild in nature but still may cause various side effects due to its long-term use. So, it is necessary to follow the advisable cycle of Anavar. As we said earlier, when you intake Anavar, it will suppress your testosterone level, and you already know lower testosterone can cause various side effects. So, Anavar users must need to perform post-cycle therapy to start reproduction of testosterone levels.
If you need any personal Anavar cycle advice to achieve your goal. You can contact our coaching experts anytime. They will guide you to the best cycle as per your requirements.
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