Every Bodybuilder aims to get bigger and stronger muscle mass. It is hard to get muscles to gain naturally, but anabolic steroids help them to achieve bigger and stronger muscle mass three times better than natural growth.
Bodybuilders and athletes are using these compounds to improve their physical appearance and improve their performance level. Most Addicts of Anabolic Steroids can procure the changes that they make on their bodies, which helps them build stronger and bigger muscle mass.
Especially in our modern society, physical appearance is one of the highest priorities that everyone is looking for. In this article, we will discuss anabolic steroids, side effects, and steroid treatment and recovery.
Steroid Hormones
Steroids are very famous in the bodybuilding and the fitness world. Steroids are hormones, substances produced by the glands that regulate your body’s behavior and functions. There are two main types of steroids:
Corticosteroids: They improve your body’s metabolism and immune function and help you to reduce inflammation and maintain your blood volume.
Anabolic steroids: Anabolic steroids are also known as anabolic-androgenic steroids. They are synthetic variations of hormones such as testosterone. Anabolic steroids are used to improve your muscle mass, strength, and performance level.
Both of them were used to treat several medical conditions. Corticosteroids and Anabolic steroids both have different medical uses. In this article, we will discuss anabolic steroids. The term ‘Anabolic’ steroids refer to build muscles, and the term ‘Androgenic’ refers to increase numerous male characteristics such as deeper voice, facial hair, sex organs, and many more.
Initially, Anabolic steroids have been used to treat people who are suffering from delayed puberty, asthma, anemia, breast cancer, HIV, and other severe medical conditions. Bodybuilders and athletes use anabolic steroids to improve their physical appearance and performance level. That’s why it is also known as performance-enhancing drugs. We can also say anabolic steroids are associated with sports.
Some common street names of anabolic steroids are Roid, Gear, Juice, and Stackers. The internet makes it very easy to buy anabolic steroids online. The only thing you need to be careful about is finding reliable sources that are selling original products because many websites or companies are selling counterfeit products of anabolic steroids that give you zero outcomes and waste your money. So, you can find the best quality of steroids products here.
If you intake high doses of steroids or use them for the long term, it can affect your health and cause various side effects. If you use steroids smartly with protection, it will give you tremendous results in terms of bodybuilding.
To avoid various side effects, you need to follow recommended Anavar Cycles and perform post-cycle therapy at the end of the cycle. We advise you to use steroids only if you are older than 21 years because if teenagers use anabolic steroids, it can stun their growth too early, and it can be risky for them.
Administration of Steroids
Most bodybuilders and athletes use anabolic steroids frequently to get the desired effect on building muscle and improve their performance. Anabolic steroids can be administered as pills, tablets, capsules or injections, creams, and gel.
Anabolic steroids are available in two forms: oral steroids and injectable steroids. Oral steroids are easy to intake, especially for newbies. Many experienced steroid users believe that oral steroids are liver toxic because they directly go into your body. But this is not true; many injectable steroids are also liver toxic.
According to The Food and Drugs of Administration in the U.S, approved testosterone medication that can prescribe.
Form of the anabolic steroid: Injectable and Oral
Adverse Side Effects Of Steroids
If you intake high doses of steroids or use them for the long term, it can cause various side effects that affect you physically and psychologically. We always advise users to intake them correctly and follow recommended doses that will help you to deal with minimal or no side effects. But here are some of the common side effects that can cause due to high doses of steroids:
- Liver damage
- Kidney failure or kidney diseases
- Heart attack & Stroke
- Suppress testosterone production
- Reduce sperm count
- Increase Blood pressure
- Increase cholesterol
- Baldness (Hair loss) (In men)
- Increase facial hair (In women)
- Gynecomastia (Increase men’s breast)
- Breast shrinkage (In women)
- Hormone imbalance
- Irregular menstrual cycle (in women)
Note that it is not mandatory that you will face all the above side effects because it depends on numerous factors, including age, gender, steroids doses, and cycle durations.
The Athlete’s Symptoms
Anabolic steroids are also known as performance-enhancing drugs. Athletes and bodybuilders are used to enhancing their performance levels. Many anabolic steroids act slowly so that you won’t feel or experience their effects immediately, but you can experience their effects within 2 to 3 weeks. It might be possible you can feel potential reinforce psychoactive effects such as increase your self-confidence and make you more aggressive.
When you intake anabolic steroids, it can frequently change your mood. It affects your behavior changes such as emotional, aggressive, depression, anxiety, or irritability. These all are the basic symptoms of steroids that you may feel.
Roid rage
When you use high doses of anabolic steroids, it can cause excessive aggression and severe depression. According to a study, scientific evidence supports the concept that ‘Roid Rage’ is a behavior condition that can develop when steroids users increase the doses of steroids or use them for a long-term.
Treatment And Recovery
When athletes stop using anabolic steroids, it can cause various effects such as loss of sex drive, mood swings, fatigue, loss of appetite, excessive sleep, unable to concentrate, and insomnia.
According to a study, cognitive behavioral therapy is very effective, and serotonergic antidepressants might be helpful for both muscle dysmorphia in AAS users and depressive symptoms associated with anabolic steroids withdrawal. If you face any hypogonadism symptoms, it may require treatment by an endocrinologist, and that might help you to accelerate your testosterone production.
Bodybuilders and athletes use steroids often; they are the most potent compounds in terms of bodybuilding. The first step to recover from anabolic steroids addiction is detox techniques.
If you are struggling to use steroids and want to find which one is best for you, you can get support from our coaching experts (https://anavar-steroids.com/free-anavar-cycle/). Our coaching experts help people to achieve their target goals by performing the best steroids cycle with minimal side effects.
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