If you’re landed on this page, that means you’re thinking of using Anavar pills and finding the correct details on them. This article will describe the essential information about Anavar pills and how it affects your body. When it comes to the safest and mild anabolic steroid – Anavar is the first steroid that comes to mind. It is one of the most recommended steroids that female users can take without any fear of virilization effects.
Anavar is not useful to gain bigger muscle like other anabolic steroids, but it gives excellent results in adding lean muscle mass and eliminating body fats. Initially, it was used to treat several medical conditions such as burn injuries, anaemia, muscle wasting syndrome, and many more.
What Is Anavar Steroid?
G.D Searle & Co., an American pharmaceutical company, developed Anavar steroid and brought it into the market in 1964. It is also known as Oxandrolone or Var. Var is an oral anabolic-androgenic steroid that promotes lean muscle mass and provides significant strength to users. Find Anavar for sale (https://anavar-steroids.com/where-to-buy-anavar/) from all over the internet.
Anavar is a well-tolerated steroid compound for both men and women. Bodybuilders and athletes use it as a cutting agent to reduce their body fats. Anavar is a helpful drug that helps users to add lean muscle mass, especially when they’re on a low-calorie diet. It has high anabolic and low androgenic effects. Anavar improves the user’s bone mineral density, which is also prescribed for osteoporosis.
The main advantage of using Anavar is that it doesn’t convert to aromatase. So, people can use it without having a fear of any severe estrogenic side effects. Anavar won’t cause any estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia, water and fluid retention, and bloating.
Anavar is a mild anabolic steroid, so it doesn’t cause severe side effects. However, high dose and long-term use of Anavar may cause various adverse side effects in users’ bodies.
Anavar For Bodybuilding
Anavar is an effective drug to improve a user’s physical appearance and overall strength. Generally, People use Anavar for weight loss; it gives excellent results in the cutting phase. Sometimes it is also used for bulking purposes. Anavar doesn’t provide significant muscle mass gain, but it is helpful to eliminate excess body fats.
Anavar is helpful to add lean muscle mass during a calorie deficit. Professional athletes use this drug to gain higher strength and improve overall athletic performance. It is a female-friendly anabolic steroid that has mild side effects.
Anavar Cycle Information
Anavar is a versatile anabolic steroid. Users can use it for both bulking (to build muscle mass) and cutting (to reduce body fats) purposes. Users can perform the best-recommended Anavar cycle based on their experience levels and according to their gender. Females can use lower doses compared to male users.
Anavar pills are liver toxic, so users need to consume liver protection such as Samarin or SamaGen or LIV-52 during the Anavar cycle.
Many male users have reported Anavar-only cycle is not that effective for them, so they need to stack Anavar with other anabolic steroids to get more effective results. Here we will explain both Anavar-only cycle and Anavar stack cycle examples that help you get more effective results.
→ Anavar Cycle For Men
Week | Anavar Dosage For Bulking | Anavar Dosage For Cutting |
Week 1 | 50 mg per day | 20 mg per day |
Week 2 | 70 mg per day | 30 mg per day |
Week 3 | 80 mg per day | 40 mg per day |
Week 4 | 100 mg per day | 50 mg per day |
Week 5 | 80 mg per day | 60 mg per day |
Week 6 | – | 60 mg per day |
Week 7 | – | 50 mg per day |
Week 8 | – | 40 mg per day |
→ Anavar Cycle For Women
Week | Anavar Dosage For Bulking | Anavar Dosage For Cutting |
Week 1 | 5 mg per day | 2.5 mg per day |
Week 2 | 10 mg per day | 5 mg per day |
Week 3 | 10 mg per day | 5 mg per day |
Week 4 | 10 mg per day | 10 mg per day |
Week 5 | 10 mg per day | 5 mg per day |
Week 6 | – | 15 mg per day |
Week 7 | – | 15 mg per day |
Week 8 | – | 10 mg per day |
→ Anavar Stack Cycle For Bulking Phase
Week | Anavar | Anadrol |
Week 1 | 40 mg per day | 100 mg per day |
Week 2 | 40 mg per day | 100 mg per day |
Week 3 | 40 mg per day | 100 mg per day |
Week 4 | 40 mg per day | 100 mg per day |
Week 5 | 40 mg per day | 100 mg per day |
Week 6 | 40 mg per day | 100 mg per day |
Week 7 | 40 mg per day | 100 mg per day |
Week 8 | 40 mg per day | 100 mg per day |
→ Anavar Stack Cycle For Cutting Phase
Week | Anavar | Clenbuterol |
Week 1 | 10 mg per day | 20 mcg per day |
Week 2-3 | 10 mg per day | 40 mcg per day |
Week 4-6 | 10 mg per day | 60 mcg per day |
Week 7-8 | 10 mg per day | 80 mcg per day |
→ Anavar Stack Cycle For Beginner Users
Week | Anavar | Testosterone Cypionate | Testosterone Propionate | Clenbuterol | Letrozole |
Week 1 | N/A | 400 mg per week | N/A | 40 mcg eod | 0.5 mg eod |
Week 2 | N/A | 400 mg per week | N/A | 40 mcg eod | 0.5 mg eod |
Week 3 | N/A | 400 mg per week | N/A | 60 mcg eod | 0.5 mg eod |
Week 4 | N/A | 400 mg per week | N/A | 60 mcg eod | 0.5 mg eod |
Week 5 | 50 mg per day | 400 mg per week | N/A | 80 mcg eod | 0.5 mg eod |
Week 6 | 50 mg per day | 400 mg per week | N/A | 80 mcg eod | 0.5 mg eod |
Week 7 | 50 mg per day | 400 mg per week | N/A | 100 mcg eod | 0.5 mg eod |
Week 8 | 50 mg per day | 400 mg per week | N/A | 100 mcg eod | 0.5 mg eod |
Week 9 | 50 mg per day | N/A | 100 mg eod | 120 mcg eod | 0.5 mg eod |
Week 10 | 50 mg per day | N/A | 100 mg eod | 120 mcg eod | 0.5 mg eod |
Week 11 | 50 mg per day | N/A | 100 mg eod | 140 mcg eod | 0.5 mg eod |
Week 12 | 50 mg per day | N/A | 100 mg eod | 140 mcg eod | 0.5 mg eod |
→ Anavar Stack Cycle For Intermediate Users
Week | Anavar | Testosterone Enanthate |
Week 1 | 30 to 50 mg per day | 300 to 500 mg per week |
Week 2 | 30 to 50 mg per day | 300 to 500 mg per week |
Week 3 | 30 to 50 mg per day | 300 to 500 mg per week |
Week 4 | 30 to 50 mg per day | 300 to 500 mg per week |
Week 5 | 30 to 50 mg per day | 300 to 500 mg per week |
Week 6 | 30 to 50 mg per day | 300 to 500 mg per week |
Week 7 | 30 to 50 mg per day | 300 to 500 mg per week |
Week 8 | 30 to 50 mg per day | 300 to 500 mg per week |
Week 9 | 300 to 500 mg per week | |
Week 10 | 300 to 500 mg per week |
→ Anavar Post-Cycle Therapy
Week | Clomid | Nolvadex |
Week 1 | 50 mg per day | 25 mcg per day |
Week 2 | 50 mg per day | 25 mcg per day |
Week 3 | 50 mg per day | 25 mcg per day |
Note: If you’re using an Anavar solo cycle with less than 80 mg per day, you don’t need to perform the PCT cycle but high doses and the other stack cycle required to perform the PCT cycle after the Anavar cycle.
What Are The Effects Of Anavar In The body?
Anavar causes both positive and negative effects on the user’s body. However, it depends on users’ age, gender, Anavar dosage, and cycle duration. The right stack and the correct dose of Anavar give several benefits, as mentioned below:
- Greater for weight loss
- Quick fat burning
- Add lean muscle mass
- Significant strength and power
- Improve overall athletics performance
- Less androgenic effects
- No estrogenic side effects
- Hard and dry muscles
- Enhance vascularity
It is not necessary that users will face all the below side effects because it depends on various factors such as Anavar dosage, cycle duration, user’s age, and gender. High dose and long-term use of Anavar may cause below side effects:
- Liver toxic
- Hair loss (Baldness)
- Increase bad cholesterol level
- Heart problems
- A high dose may Suppress testosterone level
- High blood pressure
People can counteract all the above side effects by following the recommended dosage with protection.
Anavar is a mild anabolic steroid that is used for various purposes. If people have any pre-medical disease, they should avoid the use of Anavar. It is also not advisable for people under 21 years old. If users have any liver disease or problem, they should avoid it. If you want to get more effective results with minimum side effects, always follow the recommended dosage and cycle duration with protection, and yes, don’t forget to perform the PCT.
You can ask our coaching experts any question regarding the Anavar cycle anytime.
Da li anavar u svom sastavu ima penicilin mozda,nisam nigdje uspio naci tacan sastav
Ne, Anavar ne sadrži penicilin. To je anabolički steroid čija je aktivna supstanca oksandrolon i nema nikakve veze s antibioticima poput penicilina.
Zašto se pitate? Imate li određenu alergiju ili neku posebnu zabrinutost u vezi s njegovim sastavom? Slobodno mi dajte više detalja kako bih vam mogao bolje pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav.
Da li Anavar mogu da piju dijabetičari tip 1 ?
Osobe sa dijabetesom tipa 1 treba da budu oprezne sa Anavarom. Svaki organizam reaguje drugačije, iako neki nisu primetili skokove nivoa šećera u krvi. Važno je započeti s malim dozama, postepeno ih povećavati i pažljivo pratiti nivo šećera u krvi. Uvek se posavetujte sa lekarom pre nego što počnete.
Imam stent. Pijem preduktal, zofecard, sortis, lybrol i Andol 100. Imam 51 godinu
Dali mogu uzimati Anavar??
Stent imam 7 godina a od tada idem u teretanu.
Sa 65 kg sam došao na 78 i sad mi treba Anavar za rezanje
Da, možete uzeti Anavar. A budući da želite rezati, bit će bolje kombinirati Anavar s drugim proizvodima poput Winstrola.