Anavar has earned a good reputation that helps you to add lean muscle mass during the cutting phase. It is one of the safest steroids, which has a low anabolic to androgenic ratio. So, it is one of the most recommendable steroids for women. Men can also use Anavar to add lean muscle or preserve their gains. Bodybuilders and athletes use Anavar to increase their body strength, and it also helps maintain lean muscle mass, especially when you are on a low-calorie diet. Anavar is the ideal choice for newbie or beginner users because it is mild in nature. This article discusses the best Anavar cycle for beginner users to get more effective results with a few side effects.
What Is Anavar?
Anavar is also known as Oxandrolone. It has been in use since the 1960s and was developed by G.D.Searle. Anavar is available in oral form. Initially, it was used to treat osteoporosis and cachexia. In the late 70s, it has become a widely popular drug in the bodybuilding world. When you intake Anavar dosage properly, it will drastically improve your DHT functionality. DHT hormones are important to develop your masculinity.
Anavar is one of the most highly popular drugs available in the grey market. You can find Anavar for sale from the top reputable steroid websites. Anavar (Oxandrolone) is mild in nature, but it is more effective to develop lean muscle mass tissues in situations where your muscle wastage has taken. It is also the most popular compound available for dry mass gains and emphasizing muscle tone.
Anavar Dosage And Cycle Duration
Anavar tablets come in a range of between 5 mg to 50 mg. You can buy Anavar from top resources. Anavar active half-life is around 6 to 9 hours. Men usually take Anavar from 10 mg to 100 mg per day, while women can take 2.5 mg to 20 mg per day. Note that a high dosage of Anavar may effects your health negatively. So, you need to avoid its high dosage and long-term use.
The best way to take Anavar is to start with a lower dosage and gradually increase them. A beginner should start with 20 mg per day for men and 2.5 mg per day for women. The ideal cycle for men and women is 4 to 8 weeks. Advanced level males users can also perform a 12-week cycle.
Anavar Cycle For Beginner Users
Anavar (Oxandrolone) is used for both bulking and cutting purposes. Both men and women use different dosages during the Anavar only cycle. Bodybuilders prefer stacking methods to get more effective results.
They stack Anavar with other Anabolic steroids such as Winstrol, Dianabol, Deca Durabolin, Clenbuterol and Primobolan. Men need to stack Anavar with other steroids, and they also have to use higher doses than women. Here we will explain to you the Anavar cycle for men and women with different purposes.
Anavar Bulking Cycle For Men
Week | Anavar |
Week 1 | 50 mg per day |
Week 2 | 70 mg per day |
Week 3 | 80 mg per day |
Week 4-7 | 100 mg per day |
Week 8 | 80 mg per day |
Anavar Bulking Cycle For Women
Week | Anavar |
Week 1 | 5 mg per day |
Week 2-4 | 10 mg per day |
Week 5-6 | 20 mg per day |
Week 7-8 | 15 mg per day |
Anavar Cutting Cycle For Men
Week | Anavar Dosage |
Week 1 | 20 mg per day |
Week 2 | 30 mg per day |
Week 3 | 40 mg per day |
Week 4 | 50 mg per day |
Week 5 | 60 mg per day |
Week 6 | 60 mg per day |
Week 7 | 50 mg per day |
Week 8 | 40 mg per day |
Anavar Cutting Cycle For Women
Week | Anavar Dosage |
Week 1 | 2.5 mg per day |
Week 2 | 5 mg per day |
Week 3 | 5 mg per day |
Week 4 | 10 mg per day |
Week 5 | 5 mg per day |
Week 6 | 15 mg per day |
Week 7 | 15 mg per day |
Week 8 | 10 mg per day |
Results of anavar treatment
What Results Can You Expect From Anavar?
Anavar proper usage and the right stack will give the best results To get effective results, you need to consume it properly by following some strict rules. You always need to follow recommended dosage and cycle with protection. Anavar is available in tablet form, so it is liver toxic. But when you use Samarin (SamaGen) or LIV-52 during the Anavar cycle, it will protect your liver and save you from various liver diseases.
Anavar is a highly favored steroid compound because it gives unexpected results in terms of bodybuilding. When you intake Anavar dosage perfectly, it will give several benefits as mentioned below:
- Add lean muscle mass
- Decrease your body fats
- Preserve muscle mass during a severe medical condition
- Prevent your catabolism
- No water retention
- Increase your strength and energy
- Very low androgenic activity
- Improve overall physical performance
- No estrogenic activity
- Safe for Women
Anavar is safe to use but remember high dose and long-term use of Anavar can cause various side effects. So, it is essential to use it carefully, and you need to perform post-cycle therapy at the end of the Anavar cycle. You can use several supplements like Clomid, Nolvadex, and HCG to perform PCT.
Beginner Results From Anavar
Anavar refreshes your whole system, and newbie or novice users experience fast muscle gains and overall strength during the Anavar cycle. Anavar promotes significant muscle strength and adds lean muscle mass gain without water retention. So, it is the perfect choice for beginner users.
Anavar is the perfect choice for athletes to build strength during the off-season. It is one of the most versatile steroids that you can use to cut, bulk and maintain lean muscle tissues.
Anavar is compatible with all the above three main goal types, and it really works. When you take the proper dosage, as mentioned above, you won’t face any side effects when following the correct dosage.
Where To Buy Anavar?
You will find Anavar for sale all over the internet, but only a few and reputable sites offer you safe and effective anabolic steroids products. The manufacture that follows Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) guidelines guaranteed safety and concertation. When you buy Anavar online, make sure your product is fully traceable and has positive users reviews.
Not all websites or resellers sell original products. Many websites are selling fake products that are not good for your health. This product won’t give you any effective results. So, don’t waste your money on cheap products and don’t put your health at risk on these fake products.
An extract of Anavar on Upsteroids.
Anavar is a highly versatile compound that is used for various purposes. For beginner users, it is the best choice to use. Anavar comes in tablets forms, so beginners or novice users can easily consume it. Both men and women can get effective results when they perform the correct cutting and bulking cycles.
Anavar is a liver toxic product, so you need to use it with liver protection if you have any other questions regarding the Anavar cycle or have any confusion about how to use it! You can contact our professional coaching experts. They will guide you through the best cycle with minimum side effects and help you to achieve your target.
Zanima me šta koristiti poslije anavara?
Za vraćanje testosterona u normalu za njegov oporavak.
I šta koristiti tokom ciklusa za jetru?
Ja bih koristio samo anavar hoću li vidjeti rezultate?
Dobar dan,
PCT nije uvijek potrebna nakon ciklusa Anavara. Ako doza ne prelazi 60 mg dnevno i ciklus traje manje od 8 sedmica, obično nije potrebna jer je uticaj na hormonsku os ograničen.
Što se tiče zaštite jetre, možete koristiti TUDCA ili LIV52 kako biste podržali funkciju jetre tokom ciklusa.
Da, moguće je postići rezultate sa samo Anavarom, posebno u smislu definicije mišića i čistog mišićnog rasta. Međutim, za maksimalne efekte preporučuje se kombinacija s drugim proizvodima prilagođenim vašim ciljevima.
Slobodno nas kontaktirajte za personalizovane savjete.
Lijep pozdrav.
Imam anavar matrix,trčim 10 godina ,vozim mtb,47 mi je godina i pomalo treniram sa tegovima,kako da najbolje i najduže iskoristim a da ne pretjerujem,ja mislio jednu tabletu od 10 mg,dnevno 3mjeseca uzimati ????
Pre nego što odgovorim, možete li mi reći da li ste muškarac ili žena?
Doza Anavar-a zavisi od vaše visine, težine i ciljeva. Doza od 10 mg dnevno je obično previše mala za muškarca, to je doza koja je više pogodna za ženu. Za muškarce, standardna doza je obično između 20 i 30 mg dnevno, pa čak i više, u zavisnosti od ciljeva.
Važno je da dozu prilagodite prema vašim potrebama, a istovremeno pazite na reakcije vašeg tela.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Koliko mg koristiti tokom ciklusa za muškarce.
Za prvi ciklus
Dobar dan,
Doziranje zavisi od vaše fizičke spremnosti i ciljeva koje želite postići tokom ciklusa. Preporučuje se da započnete s nižim dozama kako biste procijenili svoju toleranciju i postepeno prilagodili unos prema potrebama.
Ako imate dodatna pitanja, slobodno nas kontaktirajte.
Srdačan pozdrav.