Anavar is an effective medication to treat several burn injuries, anemia, and muscle-wasting syndrome diseases. The original use of these drugs is to treat them, but rather than medical use, Anavar is more popular as a performance-enhancement drug. It comes with low anabolic and potent androgenic properties. The main purpose of using these steroids in their cycle is to gain higher strength gain and eliminate body fats.
Most people around the world want to cut out their fats without losing their muscles. So, Anavar for bodybuilding is a perfect choice for them. It is an excellent steroid compound for females because it helps them to achieve their desired goals without causing any masculine or virilization effects, even at a very low dose. The other reason for choosing Anavar for women is that it is mild in nature and less liver toxic compared to other oral steroids.
In this article, you will get a complete understanding of the Anavar steroid, including its working mechanism, positive and negative effects, and how to take them correctly. Before moving to other information, let’s quickly understand its definition.
Define Anavar Steroid
Anavar is a mild and most popular anabolic androgenic steroid originally developed to treat different medical conditions. It is an oral anabolic steroid that is classified as a 17C-AA drug (which means hepatotoxic). However, Anavar is a mild hepatotoxic steroid compound compared to other oral drugs. Even the Food And Drug Administration has approved this drug.
Oral Anavar comes with an active half-life of around 9 to 10 hours. So, to maintain an optimal blood level, daily doses are required. Men and women can use this drug to improve their physical appearance by adding lean muscle mass growth and reducing body fats. In addition, they will get higher strength gain. It can often stack with other anabolic steroids especially for male users because its solo cycle is not that effective for them.
Women can perform their solo cycle to get target performance enhancement benefits. This drug is also known as Var and Oxandrolone. When it comes to its anabolic to androgenic-ratio, it is 322:630. So, its powerful androgenic effects will help to achieve impressive results in cutting and strength gain cycles.
Working Of Anavar Steroid
Anavar Steroid works exactly like DHT itself because it is derived from DHT. It binds to the androgen receptors like testosterone and promotes a quick fat-burning process and lean muscle mass growth. Anavar steroid can have a great impact on the following:
- Boosting metabolism process
- Positive nitrogen balance
- Increase protein synthesis
- Improve red blood cell production
All of the above factors make Anavar an ideal choice for any athlete and bodybuilder. However, Anavar for muscle mass is ineffective because it has weak anabolic effects. It will surely help to develop lean muscle mass growth even if you are on a strict low-calorie diet. It works by increasing protein synthesis on the body which can create new muscle tissue. It increases red blood cells which can improve oxygen delivery and endurance / Stamina.
In addition, Anavar lacks aromatase activity, so people don’t have to worry about any water or fluid retention and bloating effects. Severe estrogenic side effects are the main concern of bodybuilders because they don’t want to experience them. So, it is an ideal steroid drug that does not provide any potential estrogenic side effects. However, it is not for the stacking cycle because when you combine it with other aromatase steroids, you might possibly face estrogenic side effects.
With great positive benefits, Anavar can also cause some possible mild side effects when you use them randomly. So, to avoid numerous possible side effects of Var, you need to understand how to take them properly.
How To Take Anavar Steroid Properly?
Any expert or experienced bodybuilders will push you to take recommended dosage because they don’t want you to suffer any side effects from steroids. I also suggest you read this information carefully because once you know how to take Anavar steroids correctly, you will mitigate its side effects and get better results on performance enhancement.
Oral Anavar steroids can be taken based on user experience and gender. Even bulking and cutting cycles dosage is different. However, Anavar is highly used in cutting cycles. You can intake the recommended dosage of Anavar as mentioned below:
→ Anavar Dosage For Men:
- Novice users – 20 mg to 40 mg every day
- Intermediate users – 40 mg to 60 mg every day
- Advanced users – 70 mg to 100 mg every day
→ Anavar Dosage For Women:
- Novice users – 2.5 mg to 5 mg every day
- Intermediate users – 5 mg to 10 mg every day
- Advanced users – 10 mg to 20 mg every day
Keep in mind extremely high doses, and long-term use of this drug can cause many temporary and permanent side effects. Even it is advisable to stay within the limit of higher doses based on your experience level. The better way to consume this steroid compound is always to take a lower or moderate dose and also include liver protection (Samarin) during the cycle. Perform your desired Anavar cycle by reading here.
An example of a PTO pack for a 6 week period
Anavar Benefits And Side Effects
Anavar steroids provide exceptional performance enhancement benefits to users. You can buy Anavar Steroids over-the-counter for medical use with a prescription only. Professional athletes used to buy them from the grey market because it is banned in several countries. But with the help of the internet, they can easily buy Anavar online from the top resellers.
Following advisable precaution tips and a well-mannered cycle will provide countless benefits, including:
- Add lean muscle mass growth
- Body fat reduction
- Excellent for weight loss
- Significant strength gain
- Better Endurance
- Increase power, strength, and stamina
- Higher metabolism process
- Improve red blood cell production
- Improve overall performance
- Suitable for women
- No estrogenic side effects
- Mild androgenic side effects
Anavar is a highly favored drug because, compared to other anabolic steroids, it may cause very mild and temporary side effects. Anavar side effects depend on factors like dosage, cycle duration, age, gender, and genetic tolerance level. So, not all men and women can face all the possible side effects.
Men and women face different possible side effects. For example,
→ Possible Side Effects In Women:
- Deeper voice
- Irregular menstrual cycle
- Mood swings
- Facial hair growth
- Liver toxic
- Masculine or virilization effects
→ Possible Side Effects In Men:
- Liver toxic
- High blood pressure
- Mood swings
- Hair loss
- Mild testosterone suppression
- Changes in cholesterol level
None of the above side effects are potentially harsh, and you can easily counteract them by using the required protection and taking the correct dosage.
Where Can I Buy Anavar Steroid?
Click here to find top reputable resources and order Anavar online without worrying about its quality. All websites are the most trusted source and only sell the highest quality products. Anavar is a great choice for novice users because it is a well-tolerated steroid. It is highly popular for delivering positive responses on strength gain and body fat reduction.
When it comes to pricing, it is one of the most expensive drugs available in the market. So always make sure to find a reputable source to buy Anavar steroids. Counterfeit products are highly available for sale today, so don’t buy them. Carefully read steroid details, and never purchase cheap products.
Milder Oral Anavar steroid is an excellent choice for novice users. They can tolerate this drug very well and do not experience any harsh side effects. The most recommended dose and proper Var cycle will help you reduce excess body fats, add lean muscle mass growth, and provide significant strength to users. This drug helps bulk and cut cycles. However, it is often used in cutting and strength gain cycles.
Avoid this drug’s random use and liver protection during the cycle to avoid possible side effects. Contact any expert from here for free coaching cycle advice.
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